What British manufacture means for you

As a team of specialists, centred just north of London, our scope of understanding spans from mobility access of front doors to railway carriages, the numerous requirements for historic buildings, risk assessments, legalities, and countless other intricacies of Britain and European disabled access needs.
With this in-depth insight, our team thrives on finding real life solutions to ensure those with disabilities can maintain the independence and quality of life they deserve.
Enable Access have harnessed over twenty five years of experience in the industry and market place, fine tuning a passionate team that are consistently in touch with the market’s requirements.
We know that in addition to your requirement for high quality products, effective innovation, and industry understanding, is the necessity of customisation and fast delivery. As a British manufacturer we are able to tailor our products to your requirements, and deliver these in a shorter amount of time without the risk of shipping uncertainties. As a result of this, you are saving thousands of miles of carbon emissions that would only be increasing the dangers of climate change.
In short, we are innovative, understanding, dependable specialists that continue to take social inclusion to another level! Please contact us, be it about product requirements, your access problems, or our access solutions, we’d love to help you!